Hydrostatic level measurement
  • Groundwater reservoir

    Groundwater reservoir

    If groundwater reservoirs are exploited sustainably, accurate hydrostatic level monitoring is required to allow only so much groundwater to be extracted that the reservoir replenishes naturally in time.

  • Monitoring well

    Monitoring well

    Hydrometric measurements of ground water reservoirs rely on monitoring wells drilled deep into the ground. Slim level probes guarantee accurate level monitoring even in hundreds of meters below the ground.

  • Deep well

    Deep well

    Underground water reservoirs require deep wells and boreholes to extract water for potable water treatment by submersible pumps. Hydrostatic level sensors enable level monitoring deep within the borehole, even in hundreds of meters of depth.

  • Reservoir


    Natural and artificial reservoirs are commonly used for hydroelectricity and to secure a continuous water supply even in dry seasons. Submersible pressure transmitters guarantee a highly accurate level monitoring.

  • Surface water

    Surface water

    The detection and monitoring of surface water levels is extremely important for means of flood protection, hydrometric monitorings and to secure a sustainable extraction of surface water for potable water usage.

  • Water works

    Water works

    Whenever water has to be disinfected and treated for human nutrition, hydrostatic pressure sensors are used to monitor level in buffer and storage tanks within the water treatment process.

  • High-level tank

    High-level tank

    Water supply networks rely on high-level tanks generating a natural water pressure in the piping. Hydrostatic level sensors help control pumps for an efficient replenishment of freshly treated drinking water into the high-level tank.

  • Rain water retention basin

    Rain water retention basin

    Rain water retention basins allow for storage of stormwater to reduce temporary high loads in the sewage system. Hydrostatic level sensors are used to monitor the level within the basin.

  • Sewers


    To monitor the load within the sewers, submersible hydrostatic level sensors are commonly used. To avoid sewage plants being overloaded, hydrostatic level sensors help control the usage of retention and overfill basins.

  • Lift station

    Lift station

    To allow for efficient operation and control of pumps, a reliable level measurement of the sewage sump is guaranteed by robust submersible hydrostatic level sensors.

  • Sewage treatment plant

    Sewage treatment plant

    Whether settling tanks, digesters or aeration basins - in a sewage treatment plant, level measurement is one of the most important measurands. Hydrostatic level probes secure a reliable monitoring unaffected by foam and turbulence.

  • Landfill


    In landfill sites, aggressive leachate accumulates in leachate pools. To secure the environment is not being contaminated, leachate level is monitored with submersible pressure transmitters.